Black Lives Matter Trivia

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1) What is the name of the social movement whose mission is to “eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities?*

2) Which of the following organizations directly organized the protests in Ferguson, Missouri following the death of Michael Brown in 2014?*

3) What country has the highest rate of police brutality against African Americans?*

4) What year did the Black Lives Matter movement emerge?*

5) How many co-founders does Black Lives Matter have?*

6) What phrase best sums up the Black Lives Matter movement?

7) What is the purpose of the Black Lives Matter movement?

8) What year was the Black Lives Matter movement founded?

9) What is the name of the organization founded by three Black women to provide a platform for Black voices?

10) Who are some of the founding members of the Black Lives Matter organization?

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