Numenor Trivia

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1) What was Numenor known as before it was destroyed?

2) In the early days of Numenor, which species of Elves were invited to live there?

3) Who founded the kingdom of Numenor?

4) How long did the Numenorians rule the island of Numenor?

5) In which year was Numenor destroyed by Sauron?

6) What does the name 'Numenor' mean in Elvish language?

7) What is the name of the mountain peak in Numenor?

8) Who is known as the first Lord of Andunie or westernesse?

9) How many Ring-bearers of Numenor are known in R Tolkien's legendarium?

10) What was the name of the great island nation that the Numenoreans inhabited?

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