The Two Towers Trivia

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11) Who famously says, "You have no power here" in The Two Towers film?

12) What is the title of the song performed by Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli during their journey to Helm's Deep?

13) In The Two Towers film, who helps protect Faramir from the Nazgul?

14) What is the name of a race in The Two Towers novel that guards the entrance to Orthanc?

15) In what year was The Two Towers film released?

16) Who advises Aragorn to gather help for the Battle of Helms Deep in The Two Towers film?

17) Q9 What item does Pippin steal from Saruman's chamber in The Two Towers novel?

18) Who was the ruler of Rohan in The Two Towers?

19) What mace does Treebeard carry?

20) Who brings news of the coming of the Riders of Rohan to the Fellowship?

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