Pulp Fiction Trivia

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11) What is the name of Jules Winnfield's partner in "Pulp Fiction"?

12) What unique item does Jules Winnfield keep in his wallet in "Pulp Fiction"?

13) What type of establishment did Butch Coolidge own in "Pulp Fiction"?

14) What type of animal was Marcellus Wallace's soul sold to in "Pulp Fiction"?

15) What is the name of the diner in Pulp Fiction?

16) What is the name of Vincent and Jules' boss?

17) What does Butch hand Marsellus as a form of payment for sparing his life?

18) What is the name of the band that plays in Jack Rabbit Slim's?

19) What does Vincent order for breakfast at Jack Rabbit Slim's?

20) What is Mia's drug of choice?

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