Psychology Trivia

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11) What is the term used to describe the study of behavior and mental processes?

12) According to Carl Jung, what is the part of the mind that processes the unconscious?

13) Who is considered the father of psychoanalysis?

14) What is Edward Thorndike’s famous Law of Effect?

15) What psychological disorder involves a fear of being embarrassed in social situations?

16) Which type of study involves assigning subjects to experimental and control groups?

17) What term is used to describe a child who displays delayed development in terms of language, social skills, and activities of daily living?

18) According to Erik Erikson, what is the fourth stage of psychosocial development?

19) In psychology, which theory explains the stages of development that individuals go through during their lifespan?

20) What type of Psychology is the study of mental processes and behavior?

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