Barney Stintson Trivia

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11) What is the name of Barney's dad?

12) In the episode "Slapsgiving Revenge of the Slap", what was the final slap called?

13) In what year did the character of Barney Stinson first appear in the show How I Met Your Mother?

14) According to Barney, what is the best way to accompany a scotch?

15) What is the name of the mobile application created by Barney Stinson?

16) In what year did the sitcom "How I Met Your Mother" first air on television?

17) What is the name of Barney Stinson's wingman?

18) What is the name of Barney Stinson's profession?

19) What is the name of Barney Stinson's catchphrase?

20) What does Barney consider to be his "bro code"?

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