Colin Jost Trivia

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11) Colin Jost was born in which US state?

12) What is the title of Colin Jost's 2018 memoir?

13) In which year did Colin Jost host the White House Correspondents Dinner?

14) Who did Colin Jost marry in 2020?

15) For which magazine has Colin Jost been writing weekly humor pieces since 2009?

16) What is the name of the movie that Colin Jost wrote and directed in 2020?

17) What university did Colin Jost graduate from in 2004 with a degree in history?

18) Which of these characters was played by Colin Jost in a 2017 skit on SNL?

19) What does Colin Jost do for a living?

20) What TV show does Colin Jost co-anchor?

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