How I Met Your Mother Episodes Trivia

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11) What is the name of the episode where Ted and Robin share their last kiss?

12) What is the name of the episode in which Lily and Marshall find out they are pregnant?

13) What is the title of the episode where Robin and Barney meet their parents?

14) What is the name of the episode when Ted tells his children about his failed relationships?

15) What is the title of the episode in which Ted and Robin pretend to still be together?

16) What is the name of the episode when Marshall and Barney go to Atlantic City?

17) What is the title of the episode where Ted meets Victoria for a second time?

18) What is the name of the episode when Marshall gets a job working for a judge?

19) What is the title of the episode where Marshall and Lily move out of their apartment?

20) What is the name of the episode where Robin's co-worker Patrice tries to sabotage her career?

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