Sayid Jarrah Trivia

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1) In which year was Sayid Jarrah introduced in the show Lost?

2) Which actor plays Sayid Jarrah in the show Lost?

3) What is Sayid Jarrah's occupation?

4) What is the name of Sayid Jarrah's brother?

5) What is Sayid Jarrah's mother's name?

6) What does Sayid Jarrah try to do to protect his friends on the island?

7) What language does Sayid Jarrah speak fluently?

8) What is the name of the character that Sayid meets in Tunisia in season 3 of Lost?

9) What type of torture does Sayid Jarrah use on his captives while serving in the Republican Guard?

10) What is the name of the island that Sayid, Hurley and Jin travel to in Season 4 of Lost?

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