Walter Skinner Trivia

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1) Who is the FBI Assistant Director of the X-Files?

2) What was the name of the episode where Walter Skinner made his first appearance?

3) What badge number does Walter Skinner possess?

4) Who saved Walter Skinner from death in the episode "Biogenesis"?

5) In which episode does William Scully, Scully's son, appear for the first time?

6) What is the name of Walter Skinner's wife?

7) What is the name of the conspiracy which Skinner was part of, along with Mulder and Scully?

8) Who did Walter Skinner turn to when he needed help during the events of "Sixth Extinction"?

9) What is Walter Skinner's middle name?

10) What is the name of Walter Skinner's boss at the FBI?

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