Xander Harris Trivia

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11) What does Xander feel after seeing Buffy and Angel kiss for the first time?

12) What is the name of the demon that Xander and Anya summon in order to take their revenge on vampires?

13) What is Xander Harris' occupation in the TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

14) In which season does Xander lose an eye?

15) What is the name of the demon Xander briefly dates in Season 3?

16) Who was Xander's first love interest in Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

17) What is the name of Xander's best friend in the show?

18) In which episode does Xander become a soldier in an alternate reality?

19) What type of creature does Xander become in Season 5 after being bitten by a werewolf?

20) What is the name of Xander's pet squirrel?

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